Band Auditions

Thank you for your interest in performing at COREchella 2014.

The audition times and dates are in the schedule and will be located in the at Cleveland High School in room E10.

At your audition please be prepared to perform at least two songs that you will play at COREchella. Your audition should take around 10 minutes. We will provide a drum kit, one base amp, one guitar amp, and a microphone. Please bring your own guitar, base, extra amps, connection cords, or anything else not listed. Also, please make sure your band is prompt and has a timely set up; we have a very tight audition schedule.

The band choices for COREchella will be announced on March 1st.

If you have any questions, feel free to email any of us. See you then!

Click here to view audition schedule.


Liann Tucker, COREdinators’ Co-President


Olivia Flood-Wylie, COREdinators’ Co-President


Rachel Gale, COREdinators’ Vice-President